www.kadindayanismadernegizmir.blogspot.com.tr – kadindayanisma@gmail.com



Our objective is to ensure social, cultural, economic solidarity, consultancy and
cooperation among women against any kind of discrimination sourcing from
gender roles.

*Our association organizes meetings to create awareness on violence against women to improve self confidence,
*Works with other women’s organizations to open centers to be applied in case of violence, to open psychological and legal support centers and expanding these centers’ information,
*Participating in programs in local radios and TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) radios about violence against women and in panels, talks and meetings of trade unions, associations and societies are among activities of our association.

Address: 858 Sokak No:9/706-B Paykoç İşhanı Konak/İzmir
Phone : 0 232 482 10 77/ 0530 443 52 93

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/%C4%B0zmir-Kad%C4%B1n-Dayan%C4%B1%C5%9Fma-Derne%C4%9Fi/232568450087073?ref=ts&fref=ts

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