http://www.yasamevidernegi.org/ – yasam_evi@hotmail.com

Our association was founded on April 30, 2004.

The aim of the association: Eliminating gender inequality for women and making them
taking an active role in all areas of life such as social, legal, economic, health and cultural fields.

The mission of the association
:Raising awareness in women, creating in environment that they can freely express themselves as an individual by unleashing their own willpower.

Number of members:109

The administration of the association:Seven full members and seven associate members, 14 members in total are actively working. The administration has a mixed structure with two lawyers, two teachers, one pharmacist, one accountant, one psychologist, two tradespeople, and five housewives. Participation is on a voluntary basis.


Legal Consulting:We provide free legal consultancy to women with a demand for alimony who are forced to divorce due to incest, violence, rape and harassment. We received 75 applications in two years and the lawsuits are closely monitored.

Training Seminars: We organize seminars to raise women’s awareness, sharing knowledge and experience, to change approaches to problems and perspectives for women, and to inform about women’s health.
Reading:Our library is open to all women. Additionally, we strive to create a women’s library and archive. Our reading and discussion days continue.

Business Consultancy:In two years, we received 60 applications, found employment for 20 women, reached 200 women in one year psychological counseling activities, 30 women experienced a transformation in their lives, four women were placed to women’s shelter, and scholarships were found for the successful daughters of two women.
Neighborhood Work:We conduct a project for creating group leaders in Neighborhood Work Groups. In our neighborhood work, we aim to make women question their life and name the problem that they are experiencing through gender training.

Address : İmam Bakır Mah. 672. Sok. No: 22 ŞANLIURFA
Phone: 0 414 315 17 25
Fax : 0 414 315 17 25
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ya%C5%9Famevi-Kad%C4%B1n-Dayan%C4%B1%C5%9Fma-Derne%C4%9Fi/600019970040615

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