The aims and the principles of Women Medical Doctors and Women’s Health
Branch in professional, educational and social life are as follows:
1. To combat against sexism in medical education and medical profession,
2. To criticize the paternalistic approach in the medical profession, especially in surgical fields,
3. Conducting research about the concentration of women in certain fields of medicine (general practice, pediatrics,
dermatology, preclinical branches) and their under representation in some branches (surgical branches),
4. Analyzing the societal, social, and cultural loads of being a woman medical doctor.
• Creating a women’s language liberated from the dominant rhetoric and striving to make it as uniform as possible.
• Challenging the dominant patriarchal view of medicine, making women in medical practice and women-specific health problems visible.
• Fighting against the exclusion of women from health and safety policies, contributing to the struggle of making women’s labor visible.
• Keeping violence against women on the agenda as a public health problem, a tool of controlling women’s body/sexuality/labor and as the most important weapon of patriarchal capitalism.
Address : GMK Bulvarı Şehit Daniş Tunalıgil Sok. No: 2 / 17 – 23 Maltepe/ Ankara 06570
Phone: (0 312) 231 31 79
Fax : (0 312) 231 19 52