www.supurgeakademisi.org – info@kadinlarinimecesi.org
The aim/mission of IMECE
Established in the slum and recently migrated areas, IMECE aims to be an institution for the
women who are obliged to work in the flexible piece-work, house cleaning-servanting and
socially insecure industries of cheap labour as textile industry, to gather, to eliminate their
disadvantages and form a new form of women’s solidarity for empowerment. She also aims
to work for the needs of these women and their daughters in the areas of education, health and law, absolutely with the volunteer work of women professionals.
The beneficiaries/target groups of IMECE
Bottom class women of the poorest parts of the society with the highest disadvantages in education, health and legal facilities. These are also the women who have recently migrated to the big cities because of the negative effects of neo-liberal impoverishing polities. They work in the flexible, cheap labour piece-work or service sector. They have poor basic living standards.
When was IMECE established?
IMECE was established in 2001 with the name of KADMER (Women Researches and Solidarity Centre) informally in the very poor neighbourhood of Esenyurt/ Istanbul. Enlarging her solidarity activities and the participation of local women, she was decided to be turned into a Women’s Solidarity Cooperative and women’s Solidarity Association to perform the actual work she has been performing in a more defined way.
A brief history of IMECE
So in 2003 she took the name “IMECE” which is a word used for traditional cooperation of peasants which includes doing everybody’s work all together collectively. With the help of the 2 years of practice, more than 2000 people attended the opening street ceremony.
Is IMECE a women’s organization?
Yes, IMECE is founded by women, for women and collectively administered by women. As a principal, no man is included by any means.
IMECE’s present and past activities/programmes and successes
– Has been organizing monthly health solidarity programmes with the participation of volunteering physicians and health-care staff. At least 200 local women participate regularly
– Has been organizing regular education solidarities and has prepared high-school student girls for the university entrance exams, secondary-school girls for the high-school exams,
– Has educated girls on theatre and helped them perform their play at various places on 8th Marches.
– Education of girls by voluntary professionals and University students.
Since the year 2001 Voluntary instructors have been giving lessons to the girls which are high school students in Esenyurt. Course and class equipments were donated from the schools in the region and collected from the volunteers in solidarity. Every semester 20-30 girls attend these lessons.
Voluntary Professionals teach math, english, chemistry, literature, volleyball etc. Preparing for university entrance exams and high school exams were the aim of courses held every year.
After these studies, the grades of students are increased and they socialized. girls attended to the theatre course as well. In every activity of İMECE the girls perform a play, their creativity increases. Their families are very happy with these. Indeed many of their mothers are member of decision making meetings.
– Has monitored mothers getting organized against corruption in the neighbourhood.
– Carries out a project on piece-work; organizing, gathering piece-work making women under the shelter of the cooperative, giving them adult education on more than 12 different topics from health-care to basic civic education
– Carries out a project on house-cleaners (and an accompanying education including job training and other general civic education and city orientation)
– Carries out a project in job training on textile machinery operating (and an accompanying education including job training and other general civic education and city orientation) in cooperation with Women Research Association.
– According to the protocol made between Istanbul University Women Research Association and İMECE, a job training course on textile was initiated. Not only training on job is given to the women, there are also seminars about general civic education and cityorientation once a week which are instructed by the professional volunteers. A decision making process was established with the involvement of women who benefits from Job Training Course.
Adress : Doğan Araslı Bulvarı Örnek İş Merkezi 52/3 Esenyurt/İstanbul
Phone : 0 212 596 81 59
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Antalya-%C4%B0mece-Kad%C4%B1n-Sendikas%C4%B1/319685774842510?fref=ts
Twitter : https://twitter.com/SENiMece